Wednesday 6 April 2016

A Ranting Session.

          There are days which suck to the core. Not one thing fits into place. You don't get the things you really want. There are no people to talk to because you're pissed off at all of them. And the ones you need aren't conveniently there for you. The TV shows that crack you up fail to even bring a smile and so does music. The happy stories in books only remind you of how sad and non-perfect your life is. You're just tired, sleepy and frustrated. Sounds familiar? Of course it does.

          It may be about your office or college. It may be about your friends or family. It may be about your boyfriend or girlfriend. It may be about your dog or cat. And once one thing is off, every little thing sets you on rage. Sometimes it seems unlikely how so many unfortunate events can happen to one person. But, shit happens. Part of life. You move on.

          The other day I was at home all day. Forgetting that exams are nearing, I binge watched 'The Big Bang Theory' the entire day. At that time multiple things set me off. Wi-Fi network problems, the sucky Snapchat update, water cut, no contact with best friend, nothing to eat, inability to get up and cook because of laziness are just a few. 

Stages to get out of the sad-leave-me-alone-no-one-loves-me zone :

1. You can't.

2. If you try too hard, you'll just feel more helpless than before.

3. The giving up stage of acceptance.

4. Feeling better when you have eaten up all the negativity humanly possible.

5. Normalcy. Actually thinking how lame the entire thing was.

          So I guess, the start of this post was that I'm not getting out of it. Then it changed to why am I even venting like this? Then it went to me feeling almost normal. Almost, mind you. What's your way to get out of the sad and depressed zone?
I don't usually post such stuff but it sure helps. Thanks for listening. You can rant whatever that's bothering you in the comments below!


  1. Days like that are the worst! Totally agree with you on those stages to get out of the funk. I hope things pick up soon!

  2. Some days I'll start feeling like that (sad, unmotivateed, hopeless) but I try to snap myself out of it as soon as I catch it coming on. I'll turn on cheery music and force myself up and out of bed.

  3. In your second paragraph, you mention all these things it "may be about"... But it's actually none of those things. The common denominator is you, so really, the problem is about you and how you're processing things, not about the external things you're mad at/taking issue with. I'd suggest talking to a counselor! They can help you process internal factors so that the external ones don't irk you as much - or even at all!

    1. That actually makes a lot of sense. You think some days that you have achieved peace when nothing bothers you but then there are such days which leave you baffled.

  4. Oh those days can be so tough! Writing it out or venting with a friend helps me a lot, so does going for a walk or just getting a change of scenery.

  5. Sometimes... I think we probably all need a day like this... but depression... and sinking into it and trying to pull out are so so hard! I usually pull myself up and get some fresh air, or go see a great movie or talk to a friend on the phone.... but don't feel bad because we all have these seasons - I think the key is to not let yourself slip away.

    1. Thanks for your advice! I guess as long as we don't let it overpower us, we're safe.

  6. Depression is so tough! I've been there and have struggled with it since my teens. If you've been down for more than a week, my first rec would be to see a therapist--depression is chemical. Don't beat yourself up about not being able to "get out of it". If you're just having a bad here and there, exercise can make a huge difference! I use a yoga app so I don't even have to leave the house. I hope you're feeling better soon. Hang in there.

    1. I'll definitely workout. It'd be a good distraction.

  7. I've definitely had days like this. Sometimes I just go with it and it's better after a good night sleep. Sometimes I drink. A lot. And then my night's sleep isn't so good. But I agree with the above comment about exercise. It can help or if I'm really down it can be something I beat myself up about. Feeling down is tough. Honestly, aging has helped. I think the perspective helps? I've slowly adopted the outlook that things will somehow all work themselves out for the best.

  8. Thank you readers for helping me through it. :)


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